Changing the lives of children
with learning differences since 1979!
Donate to the 4th Annual Concert
in Support of the Student Bursary Fund!

Become a Sponsor: contact head@landmarkeast.org
Gold Sponsor - $1000
Logo exposure on all printed promotional/marketing materials
Logo on all social media posts
Mention as a sponsor on 89.3 Rewind
Mention as a sponsor during the event
Recognition in the printed concert program
Silver Sponsor - $500
Logo exposure on printed promotional materials
Mention as a sponsor during the event
Recognition in the printed concert program
Download and complete the Sponsorship Form
Concert Fundraiser: Ways to Donate
April 26, 2025 will be Fougere and Friends 4th Annual Charity Fundraising Concert in support of Landmark East School's Student Bursary Fund.
The Band is comprised of staff and board members, with cameo performances from Landmark students. We are asking for a free-will donation, big or small because every dollar helps make a difference in the life of a child!
The Landmark East Foundation's Fundraising Committee raises nearly $300,000 each year to provide bursaries for over half of our students.
There is no admission to attend or watch our concert fundraiser - instead, we are asking for a free-will donation in support of the student bursary program. Big or small - every dollar helps make a difference in the life of a child!
You can give your free-will donation at the door, or e-transfer: donations@landmarkeast.org (be sure to use LM Concert in the subject title). For donations over $20 you can receive a taxable receipt by providing your name and address in the message box.
Landmark East Foundation
Landmark East Foundation was established in November 2005 as a registered charitable organization to assist Landmark East School in meeting its objective in the education of students with learning differences by holding and administering the Student Bursary Fund to provide financial assistance for students with a demonstrated financial need.
Landmark East Foundation has a Board of Trustees consisting of 4 to 10 persons. The main objective of the Foundation is to ensure that Landmark East Association’s fundraising needs are met. Most of the work done by the trustees involves organizing fundraising-related events to raise nearly $280, 000 each year for the Student Bursary Fund.
There is a joint committee of three Landmark East Association directors and three Landmark East Foundation trustees whose purpose is to award bursaries to Canadian students attending Landmark East School who demonstrate financial need. The committee meets several times throughout the summer and fall to review bursary applications and award student bursaries.

There are several signature fundraising events including the Walkathon held in early fall and the Annual Golf Tournament held in June each year. There are also a variety of other fundraisers that take place throughout the year including the Pumpkin Walk, Lobster Dinner, Occasion Boxes, Craft Fair, Concerts, and many more.